Friday, October 30, 2009

Locating Wireless clients (Cont.)... from the CLI!

There are a couple of interesting CLI commands that you can use to refine the S36 message for location measurement behavior...
First, what if you are asked to turn it on, but only on one AP? Why in the world would you do that, as location works with several access points, may remain a mystery. More likely, you could be asked to turn the feature on for a series of access points, or turn it on globally and disable it for a couple of access points. From the CLI, you would use:

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} ccx location-meas global enable

This enables the CCX location measurement feature for the given radio, with an interval you can define (the same interval option appears in the Web interface when you check the Location Measurement option box). Default interval is 60 seconds, range is 60 to 32400 seconds.

Okay, so this enables or disables the feature globally. You can override this global feature, on a per AP radio basis, with the command:

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} ccx customize AP_name {on | off}

This turns it on or off on a specific AP radio (regardless of the global config).

If what you want to do is configure a specific interval for one AP, use:

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} ccx location-meas ap AP_name enable interval_seconds

You can also use the disable form of this command to turn the location measurement feature off on one specific AP, which creates the same effect as the "customize off" option.

You can check this configuration with the usual series of related show commands:

show advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} ccx global
show advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} ccx ap AP_name


  1. I mapped the Radius Groups with Active Directory groups in ACS Radius but i dont know how to restrict the user in Wlanl to authenticate in only one Radius Group. Example: users in Wlan_Office can authenticates only in Radius Group Office and users in Wlan_Guest can authenticates only in Radius Group Guest.

  2. Im not sure if I understand your question right.

    But if wlan_office is mapped to radius group in ACS
    and a user in group Wlan_office comes in to authenticate he should be automatically placed in radius group office.

    I am assuming that dynamic vlan assignment is configured on WLC and ACS

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